May 2, 2024


GEA: Using IO-Link for T.VIS® to access real-time data

Real-time diagnostics of data or direct access to sensor data specifically during valve setup and maintenance improves control, accelerates product changes, can anticipate problems before they escalate, calculates plant effectiveness, identifies performance trends, and optimizes maintenance schedules. The comprehensive T.VIS® Control Top program for GEA valves provides customers in the food, dairy and beverage industries with appropriate IO-Link solutions for efficiency gains in plant design and Operation.

More and more manufacturers in the food, dairy and beverage industries want efficiency advantages in the planning and operation of their plants. This is made possible by extended diagnostics and direct access to the performance data of the components. Technically, this is implemented by the digital IO-Link function in the A-15 valve actuator from GEA. IO-Link is a communication system for connecting intelligent digital sensors and actuators to an automation system. An IO-Link system consists of an IO-Link master and one or more IO-Link devices. The IO-Link master provides the interface to the higher-level controller (PLC) and controls the communication with the connected IO-Link devices.

Intelligent with regard to IO-Link means that a device has identification data such as a type designation and a serial number or parameter data (e.g. sensitivities, switching delays or characteristic curves) that can be read or written via the IO-Link protocol. This means that some parameters can be changed during operation by the PLC. Intelligent also means, as already mentioned, that it can provide detailed diagnostic information. The intelligent central control of all valve actuations and the real-time processing of performance data and direct access to the sensor are further advantages. They enable optimization of maintenance and repair intervals and improved planning of preventive component maintenance. Problems are detected before they occur. Downtime is reduced. In addition, product changes can be accelerated, and performance trends identified, said GEA.

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