May 2, 2024

Anja Jahn, finalist in the PR-BILD-Award 2021

The Frankfurt portrait photographer Anja Jahn lands with three of her photos in two categories in the finals of the 16th PR-BILD-Award from the news aktuell, a subsidiary of Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa). A jury of experts had selected the best 60 images from around 500 submissions from around 200 companies in advance.

Shell collector / Tavira, Algarve, Portugal / Photo: Anja Jahn

Anja Jahn’s photos were taken during production for the 448-page travel book “Algarve – a culinary journey”, commissioned by Annabell Pohl from Marburg, which was published by Knesebeck-Verlag in Munich in April.

The Frankfurter Buch team, which has already won several awards, includes Anja Jahn, food and architecture photographer Markus Bassler, author Rita Henss and art director Oliver Hick-Schulz. The editor Marianne Salentin -träger from C&C Contact & Creation: “The entire team is happy about the nominations because Anja is a particularly sensitive photographer and is always looking for the soul of her counterpart.”

Percebes-Fischer Algarve Portugal / Photo: Anja Jahn

During the past two years, the book team has toured the Algarve in all seasons, experiencing the influence of the tides, the dangers of Percebes hunting, the hardships of mussel hunters, the protection of oyster beds and the tradition of peeling cork. They visited regional vegetable farmers, markets, winegrowers and cheese producers, accompanied fishermen with their nightly catch on the ocean, enjoyed the energy of the Portuguese water dog and marveled at the brave surfers on the waves of the Atlantic. In this sensitively conceived and designed book with enchanting stories and powerful images, the reader encounters the people of the southernmost region of Portugal, culture, nature, cuisine and traditions in a sensitive way.

Shell collector / Tavira, Algarve, Portugal / Photo: Anja Jahn

More than 70 delicious recipes from the Algarve’s most popular chefs, from the coast to the mountains, await the reader of this book. With magical stories, powerful images and exciting inserts, this sensitively conceived and haptically elaborately produced work makes you want to go on your next vacation trip.

The gourmet highlight: On the specially created website , Hans Neuner, who has been awarded two Michelin stars, and other star chefs from the Algarve reveal some of their current recipe secrets.

The book has already been awarded the “GAD Gold Medal” of the Gastronomic Academy Germany eV, the “Gourmand World Cookbook Award” and is nominated in four categories for the “Best in the World Award 2022”.

  • Source: Frankfurt am Main

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